How To Add Your Trust Wallet To Your EstateX Token Account

EstateX Trust Wallet

Let’s get started by downloading the free Trust Wallet app from the Apple app or Android play store. Once installed we’ll need to set up your wallet. Make a note of any important information and remember to store it in a safe and secure place.

Setting Up Your Trust Wallet

  1. Start by creating a new wallet.
  2. Accept the terms and then tap to agree to the security reminders, tap continue

The Secret Recovery Phrase is the key to accessing your wallet. This is a combination of words and their order is unique to your wallet. Keep it safe and don’t share it with anyone. Make a note of your Secret Recovery Phrase and then select the words of your phrase in the correct order.

  1. Now to access your wallet address simply tap Smart Chain from the list and then simply tap receive then copy your wallet address below the QR code and you’re done.

Find out how to Buy the ESX Token in our next How To Guide here 


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