EstateX Progress Update



Due to the extraordinary global situation, we have been speaking with our advisors, industry experts and valued community to determine the best time for our exchange listing launch. We have agreed that with the current market conditions, it would not be in the best interests of our investors to launch as quickly as possible.

To ensure we do everything we can for the success of the EstateX project and to maximize the return on your investments, the exchange listing will be scheduled to launch not at the end of June, but within Q3 2022.

We’re doing this for the people and want to make sure every investor gets the best result possible, providing for what the community wants, while at the same time being able to achieve the highest multiplier possible at launch.

It also gives us more time to further develop and build new relationships with international exchanges for our growing global community.

We are in ongoing talks with VC’s who have all been very positive about EstateX and $ESX. 

We are an A+ project with unique real world business applications and use cases, like how $ESX enables you to pay for goods and services with your real estate investments, something which has never been done before.

VC’s are excited about the EstateX opportunity, but like the rest of us, with the current market conditions, they are also very cautious. The reduced funding available to invest in projects, means they are much more selective. However, they know $ESX is something they want to be a part of, and we are working towards ensuring we have a deal in place that works in the best interest of our presale investors and the long term success of EstateX. 

We are aiming to launch our Community Round 2 and the Private Round within a very short time period of each other. This will enable us to win back any lost time time and progress the project more quickly.

If the market sentiment allows us, we aim to launch the Community Round 2 at the end of July together with the Private Round, but please be aware this could change. We’re doing what’s best in the interest of you, the investor.

Fortunately, the moving of the rounds will not have an impact on our current development activities bringing the EstateX vision to life and we are continuing on track, full steam ahead!


As a fundamental success factor of the EstateX vision we’ve been working very intensively with our legal advisor Volodymyr and our legal team in Luxemburg and making excellent progress on the legal side of things. We have now established a clear legal roadmap with realistic time frames and necessary actions. 

Things are progressing well; and we will soon be establishing an EstateX presence in Luxembourg, with our Company HQ, banking, and strategic team departments. 

We are currently finalizing our application for a Crowdfunding Service Provider (CSP) license with the Financial Supervisor in Luxembourg. This is going to enable us to do what we want to do; selling fractionalized real estate.

You can be assured that we’re working hard on ensuring the long term safety and success of the EstateX Project for all our investors.

Our progress brings us another step closer to opening up the real estate market, as we make investing into real estate as easy as online shopping. Within a year, everybody will be able to purchase global real estate, wherever they are in the world with a phone and Internet connection.

We appreciate this isn’t the most glamorous side of the business, but it’s important we keep you updated as milestones are achieved bringing our vision closer to reality. 

The very good news? We’re still on schedule, as planned to be launching in Q1 2023.


As we continue to progress through our roadmap, we will be further strengthening our management team and advisory board. Most recently we appointed Volodymyr as our legal advisor, with a highly impressive breadth of expertise in the Crypto and real estate. 

To further help secure the required licenses, we will be recruiting experienced people to join our management / supervisory board. We are in talks with several experienced people who are very interested in joining EstateX, all with 10+ years experience in the financial sector and who would be qualified enough to exercise the crowdfunding licenses. These are people who already do amazing things with the companies they own and do work for. They are big names within the financial industry and will have a great positive impact on the project.

These talks are ongoing and will keep you fully updated as soon as new agreements are put in place and we continue to build the winning EstateX team over the next few weeks and months.


As you all know, we’re currently in the middle of our NFT Naming competition for our Season 1 EstateX Skyscraper NFT collection. 

We’re loving all the feedback, ideas and energy from the community so far. We’re really glad you like the naming competition.

It’s been so great to see the community bonding and having so much fun with it.

We’re going to be releasing 10 characters in total for the Season 1 Collection. Five of which you have already seen. Make sure you stay tuned, as the other 5 will be released later this week for you to vote on and win!  

We’re excited for all of you to be a part of EstateX history, and are especially thankful to our NFT holders. We even have some amazing plans for characters beyond just NFT’s…

We will be minting at distributing the NFT’s within a couple of weeks. Now it’s your turn, to be part of EstateX history and name your favorite one!


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